Source for file graphMonthlyPageviews.php
Documentation is available at graphMonthlyPageviews.php
require_once './../include/version.php';
require_once './../lib/core.php';
include ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php');
include ('jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php');
include ('jpgraph/jpgraph_date.php');
if (substr($whereSQL, 0, 6) == ' where') {
$whereSQL .= ' and ' . $newCond . ' ';
$whereSQL = ' where ' . $newCond . ' ';
$text = 'Monthly Pageviews';
if (isset ($_GET['site'])) {
buildWhere('phpusertrack_data.site_id="' . $_GET['site'] . '"');
$sitenameSQL = "select * from phpusertrack_sites where id=" . $_GET['site'];
$sitename = $db->_query($sitenameSQL);
$text .= ' - ' . $sitename[0]['name'];
if (isset ($_GET['path'])) {
buildWhere('phpusertrack_data.path="' . $_GET['path'] . '"');
$subtitle .= 'Path: ' . $_GET['path'];
if (isset ($_GET['startdate'])) {
buildWhere('phpusertrack_data.timestamp >= "' . $_GET['startdate'] . '"');
$subtitle .= 'Start Date: ' . $_GET['startdate'];
$sql = 'select count( as count, DATE_FORMAT(phpusertrack_data.timestamp, \'%b %y\') as date, count(distinct as visits from phpusertrack_ip inner join phpusertrack_data on ' . $whereSQL . ' group by DATE_FORMAT(phpusertrack_data.timestamp, \'%b %Y\') order by phpusertrack_data.timestamp asc';
$pageviews = $db->_query($sql);
$movingaverage = array();
foreach ($pageviews as $view) {
// Create the graph. These two calls are always required
$width = count($xdata) * 50;
} else if ($width > 1000) {
$graph = new Graph($width,233);
// Adjust the margin a bit to make more room for titles
$lplot = new BarPlot($data);
$lplot2 = new BarPlot($data2);
$lplot2->SetLegend("Unique Visitors");
$gbplot = new GroupBarPlot(array($lplot,$lplot2));
$lplot->SetFillColor( "#BBCCFF");
$lplot->value->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_NORMAL, 6);
$lplot2->value->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_NORMAL, 6);
//$graph->yaxis->title->Set("Monthly Pageviews");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_BOLD, 9);
$graph->subtitle->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_NORMAL, 8);
$graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_BOLD, 7);
//$graph->xaxis->scale->ticks->Set (60*60*24*14, 60*60*24);
//$graph->SetTickDensity (TICKD_DENSE);
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_NORMAL, 6);
$graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_NORMAL, 6);
$graph->xgrid->Show(true ,true);
$graph->legend->Pos(0.1,0.02, "left","top");
$graph->legend->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_NORMAL, 7.5);
#list($tickPositions, $minTickPositions) = DateScaleUtils::GetTicks($xdata);
$graph->xgrid->Show(true, false);