Recent Annoucements

phpUserTrack 0.7.0

This is the first release in the 0.7 branch. Development continues on both new features and bug fixes.

The frontend user interface has been drastically updated, the plugin architecture finalized and available for configuration. A preference system has been added allowing for web configuration rather then hand editing. User management is complete. MANY bug fixes.

This release fixes the following bugs:

Plus many other features and bugs not listed here. Development was carried out offline since the last release, and so many changed were not documented online.

This is the best version of phpUserTrack currently available and all users should upgrade from the download page.

phpUserTrack 0.6.5

This is the sixth maintainence release in the 0.6 branch. Development continues on both new features and bugfixes.

This release fixes the following bugs:

This is the best version of phpUserTrack currently available and all users should upgrade from the download page.

Recent Activity

phpUserTrack 0.6.4

by Christopher Troup

24 October 2007

Advanced Statistics are coming

by Christopher Troup

19 October 2007

Upcoming Features

by Christopher Troup

18 October 2007

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