[ class tree: phpUserTrack ] [ index: phpUserTrack ] [ all elements ]

Procedural File: core.php

Source Location: /lib/core.php

Page Details:

The core componant of phpUserTrack. This brings all the libraries together.


author:  Christopher Troup <>
filesource:  Source Code for this file


include_once('Cache/Lite.php'){$cache=true) [line 66]
include_once('Net/GeoIP.php'){$geoIP=file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/../include/GeoLiteCity.dat')) [line 60]
Check to see if they have GeoIP installed. If they do record the fact for future use.

include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/conf.php') [line 52]
Include the configuration file.

require_once('libdata.php') [line 40]
require_once('libExceptions.php') [line 8]
The core componant of phpUserTrack. This brings all the libraries together.


author:  Christopher Troup <>
require_once('libsite.php') [line 39]
Include database access functions.

require_once('libplugins.php') [line 46]
Include the plugin architecture.

require_once('libip.php') [line 41]
require_once('liblogin.php') [line 29]
Include login files

require_once('libdetectuseragent.php') [line 34]
Include useragent detection library.

getmicrotime [line 15]

int getmicrotime( )

Gets the system time in high resolution


return:  System Time

[ Top ]

phpUserTrack [line 79]

void phpUserTrack( [ $site_id = null], [ $path = null], [ $refferrer = null])

Preform the tracking of the user who requested the page.


[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 09:21:36 -0800 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0a2